How Teeth Whitening Works
New Pain-free Teeth Whitening provides up to TWO SHADES Whiter Results than ‘Salon-Grade’ systems after just 36-minutes
When it comes to teeth whitening, your teeth have THREE basic elements.
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- The Dentin is the actual ‘tooth-bone’ that gives your teeth their natural white-ivory colour
- The Enamel is a clear, ‘glass-like’ protein layer’ that ‘clothes’ the tooth Dentin
- The Pellicle is a protective ‘skin’ that covers the Enamel. See More >>
Enamel can be likened to a glass window that we look through to see the natural white-ivory colour of our tooth Dentin below the enamel.
Whenever the Enamel ‘window’ is stained, it veils the natural white-ivory colour of your teeth, and your teeth appear yellow or darker than they naturally would.
Because most teeth staining is deep within the tooth enamel, no amount of surface brushing can remove such staining
Professional Cosmetic Teeth Whitening is the SAFEST way to clean the enamel ‘window’ by whitening the stains locked deep within the enamel, and within 36-minutes, revealing the natural whiteness of your teeth
Whitening occurs as oxygen molecules from the teeth whitening gel spreads throughout the tooth enamel bleaching the discoloured molecules in your teeth.
This results in a ‘glass-clear’ Enamel ‘window’ revealing the natural whiteness of your Dentin below.
“It’s a bit like window cleaning”
New Painfree Teeth Whitening provides up to TWO SHADES Whiter Results than Old Technology ‘Salon-Grade’ systems after just 36-minutes
For the Technically minded:
Toothpaste removes EXTRINSIC stains, being stains on the outside of the tooth enamel.
However, with Professional Dental light accelerated teeth whitening the whitening gel first removes the Pellicle coating from the enamel surface allowing the gel to migrate INTO the enamel.
Enamel is a clear glass-like porous protein crystal-formed substance that clothes the tooth’s dentine.
The whitening gel can then soak INTO the exposed ‘pores’ of the enamel.
As the whitening gel migrates INTO the enamel pores it bleaches out INTRINSIC staining particles trapped within the tooth enamel.
Staining particles trapped within the tooth enamel leave a carbon residue which is what makes the enamel look yellow.
This staining mask the view of the natural white/ivory colour of the actual tooth dentin below the enamel.
Simply it is like looking at a beautiful view through a dirty window
We use a low % Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) catalyst activated formula because it gives the best and fastest results.
Our proprietary catalyst POTENTIATES our MAXIBRITE™ teeth whitening gel to be more effective by ‘photo-exciting’ the oxy-action. (Redox)
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a simple bleaching agent that rapidly when aided by Ultrasonic Technology penetrates tooth enamel to unlock, oxidize and decompose stains.
Once ‘spent’ Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposes harmlessly into Water (H2O) and Oxygen (O)
The result is whiter teeth faster than any other technology, 60% less whitening gel is required meaning it’s safer for your patients, more profitable for the practitioner and provides a reduced prep and chair time.